Friday, May 22, 2020

Top 10 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time

For years, this will ALWAYS be a hot button topic of debate. I have often wrestled with this list for quite a while because a Top 10 list of anything is never easy, as I have experience in that area. Top 50 Lists are even tougher just because of how many more names you have to add. The reason why coming up with any list can be a challenge is simply two main factors:

  • Criteria
  • Biases
Even when coming up with a personal favorites list, it is still hard because you have to juggle different names together without slighting one for the other. When it comes to Superheroes, it definitely applies because of the two biggest dogs in the yard: Marvel and DC. As for me, I like to search for different lists for greatest heroes so that I can get a feel of where a certain character is ranked while I have already come up with my own conclusion for the most part. I like to see what kinds of criteria have been set up to see why a certain hero is placed where they are. This is what I had to do with my Top 10 Black Superheroes list.

My Criteria consists of the following:

With the renaissance of the Superhero Movie Genre, it is only appropriate that this is the time and season for me to finally release my own Top 10 Superheroes list. 

10. Green Lantern 
Comic World: DC
Real Name: Hal Jordan
First Appearance: Showcase #22 (October 1959)

Wields Green Lantern ring to become semi-invulnerable
Capable of building solid-light constructs with imagination
Creates projectile attacks
Communicates to ring wielders
Generates force fields
Skilled Boxer
Expert Pilot

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power...Green Lantern's light!"

The Oath that is synonymous with the Green Lantern Corps, the intergalactic police force for DC Comics. When you think of Green Lantern, generally the most synonymous wielder of this powerful ring is a former fighter pilot named Harold "Hal" Jordan. Hal is most the most recognizable face of the Green Lantern as he is occasionally the leader of the Lantern Corps. When the World of Comics reached the Silver Age during the mid to late '50s, two major characters would receive replacements: Flash and Green Lantern. After Barry Allen took over Jay Garrick's position as The Flash in 1956, DC decided to replace the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott three years later. Alan's replacement would come in the form of Hal Jordan himself. It is only fitting considering how Barry and Hal would become the closest of friends in the Justice League, similar to Batman and Superman. Hal was a second-generation pilot following his father's footsteps. Jordan was given the power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien named Abin Sur, whose spaceship crashed on Earth. Abin Sur used his ring to find an individual who was "utterly honest and born without fear" to take his place as a member of the Lantern Corps. Hal fit the criteria for what it took to become a Green Lantern because of his fearlessness. The Green Lantern ring is powered by the will of the person who wears it. The stronger the will, the more powerful the ring. Hal Jordan's will is the strongest of any wielder of the power ring and lantern, as it is evident in what he creates with them. Jordan also uses the ring to fly, even through the vacuum of space; to create different weapons such as shields, swords, lasers, or any other weapon his mind comes up with. Hal's will and imagination have helped him to create some of the most powerful projectiles and light constructs in the galaxy. Jordan is also instrumental as one of the founding members of the Justice League. Even though the on-screen portrayal by Ryan Reynolds has put a dent into his legacy, it is still not enough to completely overthrow the overall greatness and importance of Green Lantern to DC and comics in general. 

9. Incredible Hulk
Comic World: Marvel
Real Name: Bruce Banner
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962)

Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Impenetrable Skin

The Jekyll and Hyde of the nuclear era. Part of what makes the Hulk such a compelling figure is that we get to see Bruce Banner wrestle with his inner psychological baggage. Bruce already had a traumatizing childhood as he witnessed an abusive father which already triggers his anger "issues". Add that with a freak accident where he gets hit with a gamma ray turning him into a giant green nuclear monster fueled by rage. You definitely don't want to get on the wrong side of him. Hulk is one of the founding members of the Avengers as he is one of the Top 4 members of the group (Ironman, Captain America, Thor). Hulk and Thor certainly have a friendly rivalry of sorts to see who is the Strongest Avenger. Thor is definitely Hulk's greatest dance partner, along with Wolverine as those battles have brought the best out of the Jade Green Giant. Originally, the Hulk was gray. However, there was some kind of issue with the printing of the comics which made his skin green. From that point, the rest was history. The Hulk's feats of strength are the stuff of legends. From picking up Mjolnir to pulling a broken planet back together, to cracking the Earth's core with a punch to the ground. The Hulk is a special attraction simply because of his brute strength. I would consider the Hulk to be the Andre the Giant of Comics. Whether he is green, gray or red, a Las Vegas police officer, a scientist, rage-fueled monster or a gladiator on his own Planet full of other Hulks, all we want to see is Hulk does what he does best: SMASH!!! Hulk did not fully redeem himself for the long awaited rematch with Thanos, but he did perform the snap to bring everyone back in Endgame.

8. Thor
Comic World: Marvel
Real Name: Thor Odinson
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #83 (August 1962)

Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Hand to Hand Combat
Supersonic Flight
Energy Manipulation (Electrokinesis/Weather Control)

Proud Son of Odin. From Prince to King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms of the Galaxy. Thor was born into royalty. As the heir to Odin's throne, Thor was destined for greatness. Born to Odin, Father of Asgard and Gaea, goddess of the Elder gods, Thor was born to have his powers derived both from Asgard and Midgard (Earth). Even though he was born in a cave in Norway, Thor was brought by Odin and Gaea to Asgard to be raised. Thor was raised alongside his adopted brother Loki, who was taken in by Odin after his frost giant Father Laufey was killed in battle. Throughout childhood, Loki was jealous of Thor. Jealousy turned to hatred, which is what fueled Loki's desire to kill his brother, leading to their rivalry. When Thor was eight, Odin sent him to Nidavellir, the land of the Dwarves to ask the dwarf lords Brokk and Eitri to create a formidable weapon made out of the ancient Uru metal. That weapon was known as Mjolnir, as it would become his signature weapon. Odin placed an enchantment that whosoever holds the hammer if they are worthy they will possess the power of Thor. By the time Thor was 16, he became worthy to wield the Legendary Hammer. Thor would soon create his legacy as Asgard's greatest warrior. He would soon fall in love with Lady Sif, who became his synonymous love interest in Asgard. However, Thor's arrogance caused Odin to banish him to Earth so that he could learn humility. While on Earth, Thor took on the identity of Donald Blake, a disabled medical student. As Blake, Thor would develop a love interest with Jane Foster. After becoming a Doctor, Blake witnesses an alien scouting party while he is on vacation in Norway. Blake runs from the aliens into a cave/ Donald discovers a walking stick (Mjolnir in disguise) in the cave. He picks it up and strikes it against a rock turning him into Thor. After defeating the aliens, Thor shares a double life with his alter ego while developing a relationship with Foster which was against Odin's wishes. Thor is also synonymous with the Avengers, as he is one of their founding members and key heroes. Thor possesses Class 100 Superhuman Strength, which is in the same class as Superman, Hulk, Ironman, Thanos, Juggernaut, The Thing, and others. He is also highly durable and invulnerable. Thor has survived blasts from Celestials, Odin and others. One of Thor's greatest feats of strength includes holding the Midgard Serpent. This is special because the Serpent can literally wrap around the Earth. Thor has battled Olympians like Hercules as well as The Destroyer, which was made from Uru Metal. He has also gone toe to toe numerous times with Hulk to see who is truly the Strongest Avenger. If Hulk is Andre the Giant, Thor is his Hulk Hogan. The Gladiator fight in Thor Ragnarok was the perfect example of that. Thor has cemented his place in Comic Book history as a Worldbeating Hero that is respected by many. Now, Thor's latest renaissance has rejuvenated him and given him a stronger focus. This war with Thanos has brought out Thor's absolute best.

7. Captain America
Comic World: Marvel
Real Name: Steve Rogers
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941)

Hand-to-Hand Combat
Super-Soldier Serum
Vibranium Shield
Enhanced Strength (Olympian level)
Enhanced Speed (Olympian level)

America's Greatest Soldier. The ultimate symbol of honor, and humility. Steve Rogers is the Ultimate Patriot and the heartbeat of the Avengers. Born in Brooklyn, NY, Steve Rogers was drafted into World War II as a frail young man giving his life for war. While in the Military, Steve was injected with Super-Soldier Serum as an experiment. As a result, Rogers grew in size significantly to 6'2" 225+. The goal was to create the ultimate soldier against the Red Skull and the Nazi army. Thus, Captain America was born. With the help of the soldier serum, Cap's strength has increased to Olympian level strength. With Cap leading the way, America would be victorious over Germany. Cap's debut shows him punching Hitler in the face. However, Cap's popularity would soon wane as the Comic was discontinued by 1950. Cap would not reemerge until 1964 when he was discovered by the Avengers and joined the team. Since joining the Avengers, Cap has been a co-leader with Tony Stark (Ironman). Captain America is the heart of the team, while Ironman is the brain. Cap is also synonymous for his friendship with James "Bucky" Barnes, later known as the Winter Soldier. During their fight in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", Cap was able to tap into Bucky's good side and see past the mind control from Hydra. This was pivotal because Cap was also able to expose Hydra's infiltration within Shield. After the Battle with Ultron in Sokovia, the Avengers were at a divide because of the Sokovia Accords. The Accords were created because of the damage that took place during the Ultron battle. This created a conflict among the Avengers leaders, Captain America and Ironman. Things really took a turn for the worse when it was revealed that Steve Rogers knew about Tony Stark's Parents being killed. What made things worse, Steve knew that Bucky did it, and he still took his side over Tony's. Stark took the Shield from Rogers because he knew that he was no longer worthy of carrying it. As a result, the Avengers broke up. Rogers reemerged during Avengers Infinity War after he got his comrades out of prison for the War that awaited them. Cap goes to Wakanda to get help from King T'Challa (Black Panther) as he receives vibranium shields for both of his arms. However, Thanos seized the opportunity to defeat the Avengers because they were divided. With the fate of the Universe on the line in Endgame, Cap rose to the occasion as he helped lead Earth's mightiest heroes to defeat Thanos in his Army while wielding Mjolnir. Cap has proven that he is indeed worthy.

6. Wonder Woman 
Comic World: DC
Real Name: Diana Prince
First Appearance: All-Star Comics #8 (October 1941)

Superhuman Strength
Healing factor 
Amazonian martial artist
Weapons specialist (Sword & Shield)
Lasso of Truth

The First Lady of Comics. Symbol of Women's Empowerment. Trailblazer. All of these descriptions perfectly describe the Amazonian Princess herself, Wonder Woman. Diana is a trendsetter as the first Female Superhero. As the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta, Diana grew up in Themyscira (an isolated Amazon island) where she honed her skills as an Amazonian Warrior. She also has superhuman powers and gifts from Greek gods. Wonder Woman came at a pivotal time, as she was created during World War II when she was initially depicted fighting Axis military forces alongside Steve Trevor (a United States intelligence officer whose plane crashed on Themyscira where they first met). Diana and Steve would travel together to America where they fought crime and battled Nazis. Over time, Wonder Woman has broken the stereotypical "damsels in distress" stigma by even saving herself along with other gender barriers. Her stories have placed greater emphasis on monsters from Greek mythology, and deities while balancing other colorful characters and villains. Her main rivals consist of villains from Ares to Cheetah. Wonder Woman is also part of the Justice League Trinity as one of the founding members. The imprint that Wonder Woman has put on the world of Comics is immeasurable because of the ground that she has broken for Women. 

5. Wolverine
Comic World: Marvel
Real Name: James Howlett
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #181 (November 1974)

Accelerated healing factor
Superhuman Senses
Hand to hand combat
Adamantium Claws

The Ultimate Weapon X experiment. A Canadian buzzsaw. The Franchise of the X-Men. What else needs to be said about Wolverine that hasn't already been said? As the pride of Canada, James Howlett has spent his life fighting for survival. Logan started as an Agent within the CIA along with future rival Victor Creed (Sabretooth). However, they both had a falling out and went their separate ways. Wolverine was already born with an accelerated healing factor that slows down his aging process. Logan's superhuman senses are at another level altogether. He is most known for his claws that are laced with Adamantium thanks to the Weapon X program. Before joining the X-Men, Wolverine made his debut in a fight with the Incredible Hulk in Canada. The issue was so popular that Wolverine was in high demand. This caught Marvel's attention as he was added to the new X-Men lineup in 1975. This was the much-needed change that saved the X-Men. This also introduced new X-Men legends like Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Banshee. With Wolverine as Co-Captain to Cyclops, the X-Men reached greater heights of popularity. Wolverine also received his own series of Comics, starting in 1982. The Wolverine origin story is the stuff of legend because of how he was injected with Adamantium while being stuck inside of a giant tube. It was also recreated on the popular X-Men Animated Series. The series introduced a whole new generation of fans (including myself) to the X-Men with Wolverine as the driving force. His battles with Sabretooth and Omega Red were the things of legend. Wolverine's exposure was amplified even more with the X-Men movies with Hugh Jackman playing the title character. Not only is Wolverine the X-Men's greatest character, but he is also one of Marvel's greatest and most compelling characters along with one of their biggest money makers. 4. Ironman 
Comic World: Marvel
Real Name: Anthony Edward Stark "Tony"
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 (March 1963)

Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Genius-Level Intellect 
Artificial Intelligence
Repulsor Blasts
Energy Blasts

Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist. Most fearless Avenger. Nothing else can best describe the very brains and centerpiece of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark started out as an egotistical and arrogant billionaire son of Howard Stark, founder of Stark Industries. Tony was an Arms dealer for the Military who only cared about himself. However, Tony's life would change when a piece of shrapnel from a missile got stuck in his heart. In order to save his life, Tony built the Ironman suit with an Arc Reactor to save his heart. From that point, Ironman was born. Since becoming Ironman, Tony has become a founding member of the Avengers. During their first mission, the Avengers were able to defeat Loki and the Chitauri Army because Ironman risked his life by taking a missile into space to blow up Thanos' ship. From that point, Stark and the Avengers have been marked as enemies for an even bigger threat down the line. Tony has gone from having a notorious drinking problem to kicking his habit for the greater good of others. Ironman's suit gives him Superhuman Strength (up to 100 tons), Speed, Flight, Durability along with Repulsor Blasts. Ironman's Armor also has a special Unibeam along with lasers. Tony is also a strategist who looks for ways to prepare for his next opponent or challenge as he builds a suit or technology geared for his specific opponent. The most famous example of that is his classic Hulkbuster Armor, geared for the Incredible Hulk. Stark holds a victory over Hulk with this Armor. After defeating Ultron, the Avengers were at a crossroads because of the destruction in Sokovia. Ironman was in favor of the Sokovia Accords because he took responsibility for what happened. Meanwhile, Captain America was against it because of how it restricted what the Avengers could do. This is what led to a Civil War between a divided team. However, things took a turn for the worst when it was revealed that Steve Rogers' longtime friend Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier), was responsible for killing Tony's Parents. What made matters worse were the fact that Steve knew, but he kept it as a secret from Tony. Bucky aided Cap in defeating Tony as the Avengers broke up. This left the window open for Thanos to attack and defeat the Avengers while collecting the Infinity Stones to destroy half of the Universe. Fortunately, the Avengers were able to reconcile after Stark came back from Space. Ironman was critical in helping the Avengers retrieve the Infinity Stones from the different timelines because of his knowledge of Quantum Physics and Time Travel. Tony even built his own Infinity Gauntlet so that Bruce Banner (Hulk) could undo the damage of the Snap from Infinity War. However, Ironman stepped in to make the BIGGEST sacrifice of them all by snatching the Infinity Stones from Thanos to make his own snap. Tony erased Thanos and his army, but it cost him his life. Ironman's legacy has reached new heights because of his impact within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). He has gone from a "B+/-A" Character to a certified A+ Household Name thanks to his portrayal by Robert Downey, Jr. My first exposure to Ironman came from the Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel vs Capcom 2 Games as well as the Animated Series. He was my favorite character to use in MvC2. To see him reach these heights is remarkable. 

3. Batman
Comic World: DC
Real Name: Bruce Wayne
First Appearance: Batman #1 (April 1939)

Skilled Hand to Hand Combat
Martial Arts Expert
Bat Utility Belt
Prep Time
Genius Intellect
Master Strategist

The Dark Knight. He is Vengeance. He is Night. He is Batman!! One of the building blocks and most recognizable Icons in Comic Book History. A year after the Man of Steel opened the door to open not only the World of Comics but the Universe, DC Comics had to build on that by creating a character that would forever be connected to him. Superman was about light, while Batman was about the mystery. After witnessing his Parent's murder, Bruce was raised by his butler Alfred Pennyworth. When Bruce was a teenager, he trained in Martial Arts with Ra'as Ahl Guhl. When Bruce returned, he became an expert along with excellent Detective skills. Since becoming the Dark Knight, Bruce has become a force to be reckoned with because of his mastery of preparation time and incredible preparation time. Considered to be the top Martial Artist in the DC Universe, Batman has always been formidable with the ability to adapt to any opponent of any fighting style. Another testament of the Caped Crusader's greatness is the fact that he has a contingency plan for any of his fellow Justice League teammates in the event that one of them goes insane. A perfect example of that would be his Kryptonite Sword and his gun with Kryptonite bullets in the event that Superman wants to go on a rampage. The Dark Knight is the anchor and most consistent figure of the Justice League.
2. Superman
Comic World: DC
Real Name: Clark Kent
First Appearance: Action Comics #1 (April 1938)

Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Heat Vision
Ice Breath
The Man of Steel. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings with a single bound. Superman is the Originator and Innovator when it comes to Heroes. If there was any character that would be the Babe Ruth of Comics, Superman perfectly meets that criteria. Born on Krypton, Kal-El was sent to Earth in order to save his life. Upon his arrival, Kal is adopted and raised on a farm called Smallville by Jonathan and Martha Kent. As Clark grew, he developed incredible abilities such as superhuman strength and indestructible skin, due to his Kryptonian genetics. Clark's foster parents advised him to use his powers for the good of humanity. As a result, Kent would use his powers to fight crime as a vigilante. To protect his identity, Kent would work as a journalist for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. When it is time to fight crime, Clark would change into his classic costume and call himself "Superman". While working in Metropolis, Clark would also develop a famous love interest in fellow journalist Lois Lane. He would go on to have legendary battles with legendary rivals from Lex Luthor, Darkseid, Brainiac, Doomsday, Lobo, Bizarro and others. He is also one of the co-founders of the Justice League with Batman and Wonder Woman. Superman has popularized the superhero archetype and defined its standards to where he has become the measurement that all other heroes are measured by. Characters such as Thor, Shazam, Gladiator, Sentry and Hyperion are clearly cut from that cloth. He has also been the best-selling superhero character in American comics up until the 80's.

1. Spider-Man
Comic World: Marvel
Real Name: Peter Parker
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962)
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Reflexes
Genius-Level Intellect
Regenerative Healing Factor

With great power comes great responsibility. No one knows this principle more than the Kid from Queen, NY named Peter Parker, also known as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962, Spider-Man was created as the alternative to the traditional Superhero ideals and images of characters like Superman and Batman. Spidey was created to be seen as more relatable to the everyday person because of his flaws. Peter Benjamin Parker was born to Richard and Mary Parker. His parents were part of the CIA, but they were killed on a private mission leaving Peter orphaned. However, Peter would be adopted by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben who took him in as if he were their own. While in High School, Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider giving him the senses and strength of a spider. Parker was already unlike any other teenager before he got his powers, but this put him on a whole new level. Peter was often bullied in High School, especially by Eugene "Flash" Thompson. With his newly acquired Spider powers, Parker was able to get the best of Thompson. When he is not dealing with HS problems such as peer pressure and juggling homework and home responsibilities, Peter is busy fighting crime against the biggest villains in New York City. Later, Peter becomes a Photographer for the Daily Bugle where his Boss is none other than Spider-Man's biggest critic, J. Jonah Jameson. Spidey's most notable rival is Norman Osborn, better known as The Green Goblin. This rival is critical because of his history with Peter as he is the Father of his longtime friend Harry. The Goblin also killed Spidey's girlfriend Gwen Stacy. Later, Spider-Man's most famous love interest would become Mary Jane Watson. Spidey also has had to face the likes of Venom, who is an evil mirror image of him, but stronger. Other rivals include Dr. Otto Octavius (Doc Ock), Hobgoblin, Vulture, and others just to name a few. Venom is synonymous with Spider-Man because he is the Wall Crawler's ultimate doppelganger. No matter the opponent, Spider-Man has always found a way to win. His spidey senses, agility, speed, and intellect are valuable assets for any battle that he goes into. Spider-Man is highly respected among the Superteams of Marvel (Avengers, X-Men). He has become an honorary Avenger but usually prefers to be solo. Spidey has played a critical role in the War with Thanos during the Infinity War storyline. This wasn't Spider-Man's first go around when it comes to Major Events as he has also battled in the Secret Wars, one of Marvel's other Main Event Wars. After the events of Endgame, now Spider-Man is facing a post-Thanos Multiverse that has opened up after the snap.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Avengers Endgame Review

Part of the journey is the end, and what an ending this was. After 11 Years and 22 Movies, this Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has come to a conclusion. Everything that has been created has truly been building to this moment, especially with the epic cliffhanger ending of Avengers Infinity War. This movie also served to conclude character arcs and storyline threads that began between 7 to 11 years ago beginning with Iron Man 1 in 2008. Endgame does this in a spectacular fashion with this epic thrill ride that is due to the excellent world-building and dedication to character empathy and development that highlights the best that this franchise has to offer.

The movie starts off on a strong note as we see Clint Barton (Hawkeye) spending time with his family while teaching his daughter how to shoot an arrow. As soon as Clint turns around, he notices that everybody disappears which explains the sudden silence. Barton notices something strange happened to his family. As we all know, they were erased by Thanos' snap. Going into the movie, many people including myself figured that Hawkeye's family would be dusted by Thanos. Right away, things got real, but not as intense as the opening scene for Infinity War. Then, we see Tony Stark and Nebula in Space after leaving Titan. Shortly thereafter, we see Tony in a much weaker physical state after being in Space for 21 Days. Tony turns on his damaged Ironman helmet to send a message to Pepper Potts about how his experience has been in Space. We also see clips of him and Nebula building something on the Benatar ship. We also see Nebula helping Tony heal and giving him something to eat before we see him starving. As he looks out the window of the Benatar, there is a light shining. It is revealed to be Captain Marvel as she brings the ship back to Earth. Tony reunites with the Avengers as they go over why they lost. There was no love lost at all between Stark and Steve Rogers (Captain America), as Tony is still upset that Cap was not there for him when he needed him. He also shares his own experience fighting Thanos before passing out. Captain Marvel arrives as they go over the plan to find Thanos. Nebula shows the Avengers where Thanos is located as they proceed to fly to his location. Next, we see Thanos retired on a farm picking fruit and making breakfast. It is pretty clear that the snap took a huge toll on his body as the left side of his body is severely damaged. The Avengers ambush Thanos and hold him down before killing him. Thanos reveals that the Infinity Stones were destroyed when he did the snap. Thor proceeds to cut off the arm that has the damaged Gauntlet. As Thanos is getting ready to give Nebula an apology, Thor slices his head off. He simply went for the head before quietly walking away, still filled with guilt. Fast forward 5 years later, and we see what Earth's Mightiest Heroes have been up to. Things pick up in San Francisco, as we see a rat crawling into the Van that holds the machine for the Quantum Realm. The rat presses a button for Scott Lang (Ant-Man) to come out of the Quantum Realm. When Scott comes back to reality, he notices that things have changed drastically. Scott goes to a Memorial to see if his Daughter Cassie's name is on the list, but he finds his name there instead. Scott finds his daughter, but she has grown a lot since that time has passed. Meanwhile, we see Captain America holding an intervention meeting with some of the survivors of the snap as he tells them to move on. One of the people in the meeting were one of the Russo Brothers. Another person in the meeting was Jim Starlin, the creator of Thanos. Scott later arrives at Avengers Headquarters to tell them about the Quantum Realm and find a way to bring everyone back from the snap. Steve asks if this has to do with a Time Machine, and Scott says "Yes". This leads them to the one man that can help them. Cap, Ant-Man and Black Widow go to Ironman's House as it is far away from the City. Here we see Tony living a quiet life in Superhero Retirement with his Wife Pepper and their Daughter Morgan. When Antman brings up Time Travel, Ironman shoots it down as he sees it as a "Back to the Future" ripoff. Tony holds Morgan and tells Steve that this is his second chance and he cannot waste it. After being turned down by Tony, they go to the next best source, Bruce Banner "aka Professor Hulk". Here, we see that Bruce has blended his personality with the Hulk after not being able to get the Hulk to come out in 5 years. When the idea of Time Travel is brought up, Bruce tells them that it is not his specialty but he would try. After the Time Travel Experiment fails, Tony sees Steve standing outside as he arrives at Avengers Headquarters. Stark clearly knew that the plan backfired when Scott was turned into a baby during the process. Tony gives Cap his Shield back as he decides to forgive him for what happened in "Civil War". Stark decides to provide his expertise on time travel to help his fellow Avengers in their time heist to retrieve the Infinity Stones in order to bring back those that were erased by Thanos. Generally, the movie was a time heist for the Stones. Tony and Steve get the team together to find the locations for the Infinity Stones and what timeline they are in. In 2012, there were three stones in New York (Time, Mind, Space). In 2013, the Reality Stone is in Asgard. In 2014, the Power Stone is in Morag (Guardians of the Galaxy) while the Soul Stone was in Vormir just like in Infinity War. Ironman, Cap, Ant-Man and Professor Hulk go to 2012 to retrieve the Stones from New York. Thor and Rocket go to 2013 to get the Reality Stone. War Machine and Nebula go to Morag to get the Power Stone, while Black Widow and Hawkeye go to Vormir for the Soul Stone. During the journey to get the Power Stone, we see Gamora and Nebula from the 2014 GOTG Timeline. Not only do we see those versions of Nebula and Gamora, but we also see the 2014 version of Thanos. This was the Thanos from GOTG Vol. 1. However, this Thanos is more aggressive than his later 2018 counterpart because we see him with a Giant double-bladed sword along with the same armor that he had in Infinity War. Thanos uses Nebula's memory to not only see what happens in the future but to also see the Avengers. This Warrior version of Thanos is in a race against time. When Bruce Banner goes back to 2012, he encounters the Ancient One as he tries to get the Time Stone. She warns Banner about what happens when the Stones are out of place and tells him to return them to their original timeline when he is finished. Ironman, Captain America, and Ant-Man also go to 2012 to the events of the first Avengers Movie. They are able to get the Scepter, which contains the Mind Stone. However, they are unable to get the Space Stone, because of the 2012 Hulk's interference which opened the door for Loki to use it. However, they find a Plan B by going to 1970. Interestingly enough, that is the year that Tony was born. During their journey back in time, Tony encounters his Father, Howard Stark. Steve also encounters Peggy Carter at least 25 years after the War against Red Skull & Hydra. Tony was able to finally say goodbye to his Dad while successfully retrieving the Tesseract. We also see a young version of the Original Ant-Man himself, Hank Pym. Meanwhile, Thor and Rocket go back to Asgard for the Reality Stone. Not only do they successfully capture the Reality Stone, but Thor has a touching conversation with his Mother before she is set to die. On the way back to the Future, Thor summons Mjolnir before he and Rocket leave. However, things did not turn out so well on Vormir as Hawkeye sacrifices Black Widow for the Soul Stone. When everyone comes together with the Stones, they realize that Natasha has died in the past. After taking time to mourn, the Avengers come together with the Ultimate Gameplan. This Gameplan is a Nanotech Infinity Gauntlet made by Tony Stark himself. Professor Hulk takes it upon himself to snap his fingers to bring everyone back because of the Gamma Radiation in his blood that can take the Power from the Infinity Stones. After Bruce brings everyone back, things look very calm for a brief moment. That is until Thanos travels to 2023 to blow up Avengers Headquarters. Hawkeye takes the Nano Gauntlet as he runs from Thanos' aliens. He is approached by 2014 Nebula as she takes the Gauntlet from him. However, 2023 Nebula shoots her as he escapes with the Gauntlet. Meanwhile, Ironman, Captain America and Thor (The Big 3) approach Thanos as he sits waiting for them before attacking. The Final Battle made up for the lack of action in the first half of the movie. This version of Thanos is clearly more ruthless with the way that he uses his sword. He holds off a blast from Ironman and Thor combined before destroying them. Thor calls for Stormbreaker, but Thanos takes it and drives it into his chest. The biggest surprise comes when Captain America wields Mjolnir and gives Thanos a run for his money. However, the Mad Titan is able to get the best of Cap when he destroys half of his Shield. Steve hears a signal as Sam Wilson (Falcon) says "On your left". Suddenly, Dr. Strange's portals open as all of the characters that were dusted by Thanos return for the final battle. T'Challa gets the Nano Gauntlet from Hawkeye and runs through the Battlefield like Barry Sanders before giving it to Spider-Man. Peter holds off the Alien Army until Captain Marvel and the other Female Heroes assemble for an obvious pandering scene. Things really kick off when Cap calls for Mjolnir and yells "Avengers, Assemble". Thanos points his Army to battle. Captain Marvel destroys Thanos' ship. The battle between Captain Marvel and Thanos was interesting, as it showed how powerful she really is. After a failed headbutt, Thanos takes a Power Stone and knocks her out. Dr. Strange raises his finger as a signal to Ironman. As Thanos powers up after putting the Infinity Stones together, Ironman rushes to Thanos to grab the Gauntlet. Thanos pushes him back so that he can snap. However, the snap doesn't work because Stark took the stones out of the Gauntlet when Thanos pushed him out of the way. When the Infinity Stones assemble on Ironman's hand, he delivers the game-winning snap as he says "And I am...Ironman". Ironman snapped his fingers to wipe out Thanos and his Army before taking his last breath as he slowly died. Everyone comes to Tony's House to pay tribute by attending the funeral at his Home as the Avengers go their separate ways. Thor leaves Asgard for Valkyrie to lead while teaming with the Asgardians of the Galaxy. However, Starlord has started his search for Gamora after he encountered what was the 2014 Version of her during the Final Battle. Captain America returns the Infinity Stones and Mjolnir to their proper timeline. However, Steve returns to the present time as a Senior Citizen after making a slight tweak to the timeline. Rogers gives the Shield to Sam Wilson as he passes the torch of Captain America.

This was certainly the conclusion that we deserved. This Infinity Saga felt like one Giant Story and each of these movies were Chapters. Ironman 1 was the first Chapter and Endgame was the Finale, as this is the perfect exclamation point. Infinity War provided more intense action and cliffhanger, but Endgame untied certain loose ends so that we could receive much-needed closure. This movie did not even have a Post-Credit Scene. Overall, I was very pleased with this Movie and it was what I and many others expected, if not more. I would give this 5/5.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Review)

The time has finally come for the return of a TRUE Dragon Ball Legend (pun intended). Someone who fans have been waiting for for years (I know I have). That is none other than the Saiyan Savage himself, Broly!!!

Since the start of the Dragon Ball Super franchise, there have been several characters who have returned to be a part of this latest chapter of the Dragon Ball canon (Frieza, Android 17, Android 18, Hercule to name a few). There have also been some new additions to the Z Fighter Team (Beerus, Whis). We have also seen newly formidable enemies in the Tournament of Power (Hit, Jiren). However, one character that fans have been demanding the most is the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. There has been a new character added named Kale who is an homage to Broly, but it is not acknowledged as such. The biggest problem with this was that Broly was not part of the Official Dragon Ball Canon. Now, things have changed with this Game-changing movie which is fittingly named after him. Recently, Dragon Ball Super has been putting out great quality content. The best we have seen since Dragon Ball Z itself. Now, they have taken things to even greater heights with the release of this movie. Now, time to dive in.

I saw this movie in a packed out Theater with other fans eagerly awaiting. The movie picks up with the Saiyan Origin Story on Planet Vegeta. The animation is amazing with the Frieza ships flying up to the Planet. The story starts off over 40 years ago. We see cameos from DBZ originals like Zarbon, Dodoria and Guldo who were, of course, part of Frieza's army along with the Ginyu Force. All of these characters played pivotal roles in the Namek/Frieza Saga, which was my favorite Saga of the original DBZ series. As Frieza and his Father King Cold land on Planet Vegeta with their army, they are greeted by King Vegeta himself along with his team of Saiyan Warriors. King Cold announces that he will be retiring as ruler of the Saiyans as he places his son Frieza in charge. As a long time DBZ fan, I did not even know this part of the story. I just thought that Frieza waged war with them and killed them while taking Vegeta captive. However, this movie gives more detail to the origin as Frieza supplies the Saiyans with Scouters. I did not realize how petty King Vegeta really was until I saw this. When King Vegeta sees Broly, he considers him a lower class Saiyan who could not possibly have a power level superior to that of his son (sounds familiar?). When the Saiyan soldiers scan Broly's power level, it goes beyond measure to the point where one of the Scouters got destroyed. King Vegeta sees Broly as a threat and sends him into exile to another planet to the disapproval of Colonel Paragus, Broly's father. Paragus goes on a journey with one of the fellow Saiyans to search for Broly. Paragus discovers Broly on a planet called Vampa living like a scavenger in order to survive. Broly develops a friendship with a creature called Bah. Paragus shoots Bah's ear off. Broly wears the ear around his waist as a tribute. They both learn to live on that planet throughout Broly's life until they are recruited by the Frieza force. We also transition to Goku and Vegeta and where they are now after the Tournament of Power with a very comedic element before encountering their next major threat.

We are also treated with flashbacks of Goku and Vegeta like never before in the DBZ series. Bardock's story gets tweaked compared to the original movie "Bardock: Father of Goku". The biggest difference is the inclusion of Goku's Mother Gine, who is also a Saiyan. In the Bardock origin movie, we see Bardock wearing a blood-soaked bandana on his head in honor of his fallen friend. However, Bardock does not wear a headband in this movie. In fact, his armor is totally different. This was the toughest scene for me in this movie, because I almost felt that pain when Bardock and Gine sent Goku to Earth. Goku even started crying. They also reference Raditz on a separate mission. However, they had to do it for Goku's safety because Frieza was ready to deliver his signature fireball to destroy them. In the original backstory, we see Bardock with his army behind him as he fires one final blast before Frieza destroys them. In this movie, Bardock just fires up the blast while they are still on the planet. The end result is still death. The retcon of Bardock was interesting as it had elements of Dragon Ball Minus. On the other hand, we also see a flashback of a young Nappa with hair along with the kid versions of Vegeta and Raditz. The flashbacks give fans the chance to see how the decisions of a few Saiyans shaped the destinies of Goku, Vegeta, and Broly. This movie gives Broly a fleshed out backstory because it gives this popular savage brute something that he never had before: personality. Broly not only has a defined character, but his tragic history gives fans a reason to feel sympathetic. He also develops a love interest in this movie. Cheelai plays a major part in helping Broly break out of his shell, as she takes the taser away from Paragus.

As we get ready for the battle, Goku and Vegeta confront Frieza and Paragus as they get off the ship. Paragus reveals that he wants revenge on King Vegeta through the death of Prince Vegeta himself. Frieza takes the seven Dragon Balls from Bulma. Whis tells Bulma that there is a larger problem than Frieza. He calls it the "blessing and curse" of the Warrior race. Paragus calls for his greatest weapon, Broly. There were talks of a "Legendary" Super Saiyan, but nobody knew who carried that power. It would be revealed during the battle. Broly had not had formal fighting or training experience except for his sparring sessions with Paragus. This was his first real test, and he was very impressive as Paragus and Frieza were there to observe. Vegeta was first up to jump into the fire, and he was incredible. Vegeta transformed from Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan god as he got the best of Broly in the beginning. Vegeta's skill and technique got the best of Broly's raw power. However, Broly was not finished as he powered up once he fell into the water. It was revealed that Broly possessed the power of the Great Ape, but it was controlled. Goku was highly impressed by how much Broly kept up with Vegeta in his base form. This version of Broly adapts to his opponents which is what fascinated me about him. Vegeta observed that at the beginning of his fight. Meanwhile, the original Broly was in his powerhouse Legendary Super Saiyan form throughout the fight in the first movie. I actually like this difference in character because even though he is still formidable, it is not just a typical one-sided beatdown. When Broly makes his comeback, he gets the best of Vegeta as Goku warms up to get his share of the action. Broly even unleashes a blast from his mouth that destroyed one of the mountains. During the battle, Broly continues to power up but I noticed a glaring difference. Broly had never turned Super Saiyan at this point.

As Broly's rage continued to grow, Goku got into his mind and used his Super Saiyan god powers to freeze him in place. However, it did not work as Broly broke free and proceeded to decimate Goku. As Goku attacked, I noticed that Broly grew because of his power-ups. Broly even grabbed Goku by the foot and threw him around like the Hulk did to Loki in Avengers 1 and Thor in Thor: Ragnarok. It only makes sense considering that Broly's colors are green and purple. Much like the Hulk, Broly gets stronger when he gets angrier as the fight continues. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue to mount a comeback. However, Broly turns the tide by releasing an Energy ball that destroys the icy mountains, turning them into a volcanic wasteland. Frieza observes the fight and finds a way to trigger Broly's Super Saiyan power. The tyrant alien has a flashback to when he killed Krillin in order for Goku to turn Super Saiyan. As a result, Frieza turns to Paragus and kills him with a finger laser. Frieza tells Broly that his Father was accidentally killed in battle. Vegeta transforms into Super Saiyan Blue to team up for a double Kamehameha wave. Goku and Vegeta draw Broly towards Frieza as a decoy so that they could escape meeting Piccolo for their fusion. After they teleport, Broly runs into Frieza to beat the brakes off of him. This buys Vegeta and Goku enough time to meet Piccolo to practice the Fusion. After two comedic fails, they finally have the proper alignment to form Gogeta. When Gogeta returns to fight Broly, he turns Super Saiyan Blue for the final battle. This Battle did not disappoint at all, as Broly was completely jacked in Legendary Super Saiyan form. Broly's transformation is a spectacle all by itself, because of the visuals. The longer Broly fights, the stronger he gets. Whis even jumps into the battle. Broly gets mad and attacks Whis, but he can't touch him. As Gogeta blasts Broly with the Stardust Breaker, Cheelai and Lemo make a wish for Broly to survive. Instead of dying, Broly is sent to Vampa.

The ending shows Goku going to Vampa where he meets Cheelai and Lemo as he gives them capsules that turn into a home for them to live in along with food and water. Before he leaves, Goku finds Broly and tells him that he wants to train with him in the future. Goku also tells Broly to call him "Kakarot". Nice reference to the original movie. Overall, I was very excited and impressed by this movie as it is by far my favorite movie in the History of the Dragon Ball Franchise. It has been a long time coming, and Akira Toriyama definitely delivered. You could tell that he really took his time with this. I had more anticipation for this than anything else within the Era of Super. It is a great callback to the vintage Broly movie but finds a great way to fit into the Canon. 9.5/10.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Avengers Infinity War: The Epic Showdown

10 Years in the Making! From the beginning with Ironman, we have been on a roller coaster adventure that has all lead to this point. This movie was a Hall of Fame Roster of Marvel Superheroes teamed up together for the Ultimate Worldbeating Villain himself, Thanos. Through the Good, Bad, Ugly and in between, this journey has to lead to this very point. This was the MCU Dream Team of All-Time Greats teaming up for an Epic War of Massive Proportions. For years, Marvel's biggest flaw was in their Villain Department. The Heroes were well written, but their Achilles Heel was always the rival. Fans complained for years about how the Villains are not very well developed and how they are easily beatable. With the exception of Loki, the average MCU Villain was one and done. However, Marvel has slowly but surely turned things around as of late. From Vulture (Spider-Man Homecoming) to Hela (Thor: Ragnarok) to Killmonger (Black Panther), the MCU has slowly been turning the tide to make improvements to balance things out between the Heroes and Villains.

In order to be a truly great Hero, you need a great Dance Partner to bounce off of. This time, Marvel made the biggest improvement because Thanos is the culmination of everything they have been building up to. Even when everyone was talking about the greatness of Erik Killmonger, I kept saying "You haven't seen anything yet" because I was referring to Thanos. As good as Killmonger was, Thanos makes him look like a Boyscout. With the hype building further for this movie, I knew that it would go beyond expectations and I was not disappointed. With the previews, I already knew this would be a wild ride, and it truly was. Marvel kept a slow build up in the beginning as Black Panther was gaining momentum. Once Black Panther became a surprise smash hit at the Box Office, Marvel revved up the engine for the Infinity War marketing machine. From that point, it was off to the races. With all of the speculation and predictions about the movie, I knew my prediction about the beginning would become a reality. It is time to get into that and more.

This movie did not waste time establishing how much of a Monster Villain Thanos is because things got savage very quickly. Infinity War starts off where Thor Ragnarok ended where we saw Thor and Loki staring at a Giant Spaceship which turned out to be Thanos' ship. From that point, the movie starts off with the Asgardian Refugee ship destroyed with the bodies of dead Asgardians laying on the floor. Thanos watches over the dead bodies with his minions the Black Order. Meanwhile, they surround Loki as he watches Thanos grab Thor by the head to torture him. As Thanos burns Thor's head with the Power Stone, Loki tells him to stop as he reveals the Tesseract (Space Stone). Loki gives Thanos the Space Stone to spare Thor's life. Before that happens, Loki tells Thanos that there is a Hulk on the ship. He used the same line that Tony Stark used on him to send Hulk to attack him in the first Avengers Movie "We have a Hulk". The Incredible Hulk rushes in to attack Thanos and gives him a sick combo. However, Thanos counters Hulk to get out of the corner. From that point, Thanos proceeded to annihilate The Hulk from a series of combos to a Gorilla Press Slam. Heimdall sends Hulk to Earth, only for Thanos to stab him with the Sword. as Loki gives Thanos the Tesseract he also tries to betray him by pulling out a dagger. Thanos would not be fooled by Loki's shenanigans, as he also reminds Loki of his failure from the battle of New York. Loki's arm freezes as he attempts to stab Thanos. The Mad Titan grabs Loki by the throat to kill him by breaking his neck. Thanos would say "There will be no Resurrection" meaning Loki is gone for good. Thor watches helplessly while his brother is killed mercilessly. After Thanos kills Loki, he leaves with the Black Order while destroying the Asgardian Ship. Meanwhile, Thor floats into Space after the chaos.

From that point, we also see the Team-Up of Ironman, Dr. Strange and Bruce Banner in New York outside of the Sanctum Santorum with the invasion Ebony and Obsidian. Banner tells Stark and Strange about Thanos and his mission to gather all of the Infinity Stones. Bruce still cannot transform because the Hulk lost his confidence. Meanwhile, Ironman and Dr. Strange battle Thanos' henchmen until Thanos' ship arrives on Earth. The battle continues there. Meanwhile, Peter Parker sees the ship from his Bus as he escapes to become Spider-Man. Parker gets on the ship, but Ironman finds him as he deploys the Iron-Spider suit for Peter to wear. Tony and Dr. Strange get into an argument about how they got in this position. Meanwhile, Tony is also trying to figure out how Peter got into this situation. Dr. Strange is tortured by one of the Black Order members as they try to take the Time Stone from him before Ironman makes short work of him. From that point, they arrive on Thanos' Home Planet of Titan.

The movie goes to the Guardians of the Galaxy storyline as they are flying the Milano Spaceship. As they are flying, they see a mysterious body floating from Space as it lands on their windshield. When the Guardians bring the body inside, they find out it is Thor. I actually enjoyed this interaction as well, because it seems like a great matchup. When Thor wakes up, Starlord stares him down as he mocks his accent. When you team up Thor with the Guardians, expect some jokes at some point. Thor tells his story as he tells them about Thanos and his quest to gather the Infinity Stones. As Thor talks about the Soul Stone, Gamora has a look on her face as if she already knows about it. Gamora tells Starlord that she knows where the Soul Stone is, but she got rid of the Map. She tells Quill to promise to kill her over the Soul Stone. From that point, you knew that her time was ticking. Fast forward to when they see Thanos as he collects the Reality Stone. The Guardians think that they have beaten Thanos, but he uses the Reality Stone to trick them as he takes Gamora to Soul World. In order to retrieve the Soul Stone, you have to sacrifice something or someone that you love and that someone who Thanos loved was Gamora. We are also met with an unexpected surprise with the appearance of the Red Skull on the Mountain where Thanos sacrifices Gamora. As Thanos looks over, Gamora tells him that he loves nothing. However, Thanos sheds a tear as the Red Skull tells Gamora that those tears are for her. Tragically, Thanos kills Gamora by throwing her off the cliff for the sake of the Soul Stone. This shows how ruthless Thanos can be to get what he wants the most. We also witness a flashback to when Thanos first took Gamora as his Daughter.

In between that time, we see Vision and Scarlet Witch together in Scotland where they have taken residence following Civil War. Vision has taken on a human form to disguise himself so that they can separate themselves from their lifestyles as Avengers. However, their time together is interrupted by an attack from the Black Order as they try to take the Mind Stone from Vision's head. However, Captain America comes in for the rescue. Proxima Midnight throws her Spear at Cap, only for him to catch it. Falcon and Black Widow join in for the save as well. From that point, they meet War Machine to discuss how to save Vision. They are also met by Bruce Banner. When they talk about a way to receive help from someone Technologically Advanced, Rogers says that he knows who can help. This is where the Black Panther music plays as we transition to Wakanda. Cap flies the jet to Wakanda to meet with King T'Challa and his Army of Dora Milaje led by General Okoye. Here, T'Challa gives everyone the marching orders as he tells his people to give Cap a new Shield. Meanwhile, Shuri scans Vision's database and his mind to heal him. Black Panther tells his team to give "White Wolf" aka Bucky Barnes a new Metal Arm. Steve reunites with Bucky to take on the aliens that Thanos sends to invade Wakanda.

When Thanos arrives at Titan, he is met by the Guardians, Ironman, Spider-Man, and Dr. Strange where they have another Great Battle with great attacks from Ironman, Spider-Man as well as Starlord and Strange. However, the course of their mission is drastically changed when Thanos is held down by Ironman and the others as he shares the tragic news of Gamora's death. Starlord finds this out as he goes into a rage over her death. Instead of helping his Team take the Gauntlet away from Thanos, Quill takes his frustrations out on him in a blind rage. It got so bad to the point where Ironman had to hold him back. Ironman goes toe to toe with Thanos in an Epic Showdown where it looked like Ironman would die. Thanos even said "I hope they remember you" after he stabs Stark. However, Dr. Strange came in for the save as he gives Thanos the Time Stone to save Tony's life. Strange also tells everyone that out of 14,000.000 outcomes, they only win one so this is their "Endgame" as he tells them. With the Time Stone, Thanos goes to the last place of Battle, Wakanda.

While all of these things are going on, Thor has been on his own side Mission with Rocket and Groot to go to the Planet where Mjolnir was built. There, he receives assistance from one of the Giant Dwarfs played by Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones. It was amazing to see how they made him such a Giant. Thor has to go into a device where he forges his new Weapon, Stormbreaker out of the heart of a dying star. It was so intense that Thor almost died. However, Groot came through at the most crucial time as he saw the Axe had been formed. Groot chops off one of his arms to create the handle that this new weapon needs. From that point, it is on to the Final Showdown with Thanos. As Black Panther, the Dora Milaje, the Jobari Tribe (M'Baku's Team) and others fight alongside Cap and his team, lightning strikes as Thor, Groot, and Rocket make their Grand Entrance to Wakanda to clean house. While that is going on, Thanos finds Vision to take the Mind Stone. However, Scarlet Witch takes the Stone out of Vision's head to destroy it. Unfortunately, Thanos uses the Time Stone to reverse Time to the point where the Mind Stone was destroyed so that he could put it back together. When Thanos puts the Stone back together, he kills Vision. At this point, Thanos accomplished his mission of collecting all of the Infinity Stones. Thor gets the chance for revenge as he throws Stormbreaker at Thanos as it stabs him in the heart. We think that the Avengers have won, but Thanos is still alive. Thanos tells Thor that he should've aimed for the head, and for good reason. Suddenly, Thanos performs his most Iconic Move from the Comic Book as he snaps his fingers to wipe out half of the Universe. Gamora and Thanos have each mentioned this previously. From this point, we see the aftermath of Thanos' action. Out of nowhere, we see people dissolving into dust as they are wiped out. The most notable characters and biggest surprises were Black Panther and Spider-Man. Other characters that turned into dust included Scarlet Witch, Bucky, Falcon, Groot, Starlord, Drax, Dr. Strange, and Mantis. The Original Avengers Team survived, along with War Machine, Okoye, Rocket and Nebula. On Titan, Tony mourns the death of Peter Parker as he cries before he leaves. That was the most touching scene along with Gamora's Death and T'Challa's death.

When it was all said and done, Thanos sits down looking at the Sunset reflecting on what he accomplished. The only Post Credit Scene shows Nick Fury with agent Maria Hill as they are involved in a car accident. The people that were driving before had suddenly disappeared. The camera shows Agent Hill disappearing, followed by Agent Fury himself while he pages someone. The person that Fury pages turn out to be Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel.

Overall, I was very pleased with this Movie. It reminded me of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back because of the cliffhanger ending. The Storylines were well established and developed as each character had plenty of screen time. Enough to go around for everyone to share. Thanos had great battles with everyone in their own special way. Even though there were characters everywhere, the Russo Brothers knew how to create a healthy balance between them. My Co-MVPs for this Movie would have to be Thanos and Thor with Ironman and Dr. Strange following right behind them. This was Thanos' Movie, Thor was the Most Improved since Ragnarok, Ironman was seen as the Building Block of the Avengers, and Dr. Strange came through in the clutch by saving Tony's life. I would give this Movie 10 out of 10 Infinity Gauntlets.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Black Panther: Cultural Gamechanger

As we draw closer to the Premiere of the MCU Blockbuster "Black Panther", I would like to dive into the History of the Most Significant Black Superhero in History, The Black Panther himself. I would also like to share my thoughts about what Black Panther means to me as a Black Comic Book fan. This Movie has already broken records for Most Presale Tickets sold for any Superhero Movie ever, and that INCLUDES "Captain America: Civil War", where Chadwick Boseman made his debut as the King of Wakanda. However, Black Panther's roots go deeper than his appearance in Civil War.

Concept and Origin:
Created by Writer Stan Lee and Artist Jack Kirby, the Black Panther made his debut in Issue #52 of the Fantastic Four in July-August 1966 along with Fantastic Four Annual #5 in 1967. T'Challa took fans by storm as he defeated the Fantastic Four by himself, and in very convincing fashion. Although the character predates the actual Black Panther Party (Founded in October 1966), it came at a very crucial time in history. The Character also shares the same name as the World War II Black Panthers Tank Battalion. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby wanted to present their African American fanbase with a hero that they can see themselves in and live through that character. Hence, the Black Panther was created.

He is the first Black Superhero in American Mainstream Comic Books. Before him, virtually no black heroes were created, especially none with actual superpowers. Following his debut in the Fantastic Four features, Black Panther would appear with Captain America in Tales of Suspense #97 (January-March 1968). T'Challa comes from the fictional African Country of Wakanda, the most Technologically Advanced Country in the World. He is the Leader of that Country and owns the largest supply of Vibranium, the same metal that Captain America's shield is made out of. Vibranium in Wakanda is the equivalent of Diamonds, Oil, Minerals, etc in the Real African Countries. We all know how History turned out in that regard. With that being said, the Story of Wakanda tells a strong message about how important it is for Africans and African Americans have to defend their property from Outsiders who look to pillage their land and steal their most prized possessions. Black Panther would receive his first official starring feature in Jungle Action #5 (July 1973), a reprint of the Central Black Panther Story in Avengers #62 (March 1969). Black Panther has also defeated the KKK in one of his most Legendary Issues (Jungle Action Vol. 2, #21, May 1976).

The Black Panther is a mantle passed from generation to generation. It is the ceremonial title given to the King of the Panther Tribe of Wakanda. In addition to ruling the country, T'Challa rules various other tribes within Wakanda. In the distant past, a meteorite made of the vibration-absorbing mineral known as Vibranium crashed in Wakanda and was unearthed. Knowing that outsiders could invade their country and steal this valuable resource, King T'Chaka like his father before him, concealed his country from the outside world. T'Challa would also follow suit to make sure that Wakanda does not suffer from colonization. Marvel has a very strategic way of sending a message to us regarding history. Even though T'Challa is next in line to carry the Black Panther Mantle based on his bloodline, he still had to earn his stripes through the Wakandan Rites of Passage. He would eventually succeed in this process to become the new King of Wakanda. Along the way, T'Challa met a young woman named Ororo Monroe, later known as X-Men Mutant Storm. The two would fall in love, but would soon break up because of T'Challa's desire to avenge his father's death and wanting to become the man who could suitably lead a Nation like Wakanda. They would eventually see each other again in the future. T'Challa earned the title and attributes of The Black Panther by defeating the many different champions of Wakanda. Black Panther's Archrival is Erik Killmonger, along with other adversaries from Ulysses Klaw, Man-Ape, etc. Killmonger is to Black Panther what Sabretooth is to Wolverine, what Loki is to Thor, Venom to Spider-Man, etc. You could even say that Killmonger is the Joker to T'Challa's Batman.

Avengers Affiliation:
Along with being the King of the Nation of Wakanda, Black Panther also splits time as a Member of the Avengers. He has helped them defeat the Sons of the Serpent as well as the Skrulls in "Secret Invasion" among other adventures. T'Challa played a pivotal role in "Captain America: Civil War" during the Sokovia Accords during his quest to avenge his father's murder at the UN Building as King T'Chaka was going to sign the Sokovia Accords Agreement. T'Challa would eventually leave his Active Avengers Membership to return to Wakanda on the brink of Civil War. He would also accept the aide of Agent Everett K. Ross as he faces multiple threats to the sovereignty of Wakanda.

Marriage to Storm:
After helping his old flame Ororo Monroe (Storm) reunite with her family, T'Challa later proposes. The two married in a large Wakandan ceremony attended by many superheroes, including Captain America and Ironman. Together, they would fight alongside Captain America's anti-registration forces. During the end battle, the Wakandan embassy in Manhattan is heavily destroyed, but no Wakandans are hurt. After the battle, Panther and Storm briefly fill in for vacationing Fantastic Four Members Reed and Sue Richards before returning to Wakanda.

Secret Wars:
During the "Secret Wars", Black Panther teams with Mr. Fantastic, Starlord, Spider-Man, Thor (Jane Foster), Captain Marvel, and a Phoenix enhanced Cyclops to fight off Dr. Doom. Dr. Strange retrieves an Infinity Gauntlet to help T'Challa fight off Dr. Doom. Strange ensures T'Challa that the Gauntlet would work in the location where Doom built his main fortress. The Gauntlet works, as Black Panther uses the Time Gem to go back to Wakanda to tell lead his people.

Black Panther has Enhanced Strength, Agility, Speed, Stamina, Healing, Reflexes, Athleticism and Superhuman Senses thanks to a Special Heart-Shaped Herb from Wakanda. He is also a skilled scientist, inventor, hunter, strategist, tracker and politician with a Ph.D. in physics from Oxford University. T'Challa is also a master of multiple African Martial Arts and a Gymnast that trains rigorously. Black Panther is a brilliant inventor on par with the likes of Tony Stark and Reed Richards, and an excellent combat strategist on par with that of Captain America. T'Challa holds victories over Ironman and Cap in 1-on-1 Combat. Black Panther also has access to various magical artifacts, along with advanced Wakandan Military and Technological Hardware. His bodyguards are the Wakandan Warriors known as the Dora Milaje (The Adorned Ones). Black Panther will certainly be a Powerful Asset during the Infinity War against Thanos.

The Legacy of the Black Panther is that of prestige and prominence. Black Panther is the benchmark that every other Black Superhero, Past, Present, and Future is measured by. He is not the traditional Black Sidekick (War Machine, Falcon, Cyborg), nor the Black Alternative (John Stewart-Green Lantern, Miles Morales-Spiderman). With all due respect to those characters, they don't move the needle of the Culture the way that Black Panther does. T'Challa is Africa's Equivalent of Steve Rogers (Capt. America). Steve takes pride in his heritage as an American, while T'Challa takes pride in his Wakandan heritage. They are the Primary National Symbols of their respective Countries. Cap has a Shield made of Vibranium, while Black Panther's Entire Suit is made of Vibranium. If it wasn't for Vibranium, Cap would not have his Signature Shield. That is a Testament to Wakanda's influence on the Outside World. It also mirrors the Influence that Black People as a Collective have on Culture. Wakanda has had connections to the MCU ever since Ironman 2. As Nick Fury and Tony Stark have their conversation about the Avengers Initiative, there is a Map in the background. If you look very carefully, you will see Wakanda. In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers is fascinated by the Prototype Shield that Howard Stark had laying around. Howard tells him it is made out of Vibranium (I wonder where he got it from). In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Bruce Banner mispronounces Wakanda before finally making the correction. Finally, in Civil War, Black Panther makes his arrival. It was the culmination of things coming full circle for the history of Black Panther in the MCU before he makes his debut solo film. It was fascinating to see Cap go face to face with the man that owns the very Metal that his Shield is made out of. Wakanda went from being a blip on the Radar in Ironman 2 to becoming a Central Location right before Infinity War. It went from being mentioned passively in previous Marvel films to becoming a place of Prominence in the MCU. This goes to show that the Last shall be First and the First shall be Last. Here, we have a character that is not portrayed as a Sidekick, a Parody, a Thug, Drug Dealer, Slave, or any other negative Black Stereotype. I look for nothing but the best from this Movie and expect it to make a significant impact on the Genre. Will it be a Movie that will change the world overnight? No, but it is great to see us portrayed in the best light possible. While he is not the first Black Superhero onscreen (Meteor Man, Blank Man, Blade), he will make the biggest impact. Blank Man and Meteor Man were Caricatures of Black Heroes and were not taken seriously at all. As nostalgic as those characters are within the Black Community, they were simply Parodies, and we cannot afford to be seen that way any longer. Wesley Snipes originally wanted to play Black Panther before he became Blade. Black Panther destroys Stereotypes of Black Heroes and just Black Characters in General on the Bigscreen. The Best is yet to come. Long Live the King, Wakanda Forever!!